While I wait for the edits on the two new books due out later I've been working on a couple of WIPs.

There are three masters left in the Silk Rope series who need books - Kaden, Finn, and Iain. I have ideas for all three and have roughed out a few chapters on Iain and Kaden. I've actually been working on Finn's book and now have almost 45k words written. Still a long ay to go - I envision it will end up between 55 & 60k.
Meanwhile I have a MS finished. I've gone through it so many times and edited but have put it to one side. In a couple of weeks I'll go through it one last time then I'll submit it. It's Caitlin's story but I keep changing my mind on the actual name of the book. None that I've come up with seem right.
I've also got a couple of other WIPs on the go....I know, crazy woman trying to write more than one book at once. Trouble is I get these ideas and have to put something down before I forget. In one I've written 20k, another couple are just the bare bones of the idea.
I'll keep you updated as the WIPs progress (plus any new ideas I come up with...lol).