I've just received the cover for Book one of The Silk Rope Masters - Steven and it is amazing!
I simply love it and it fits in with the story so well. I've also just sent the first round of edits back to Evernight so hopefully we're on target to release it in July.

I've been working on book two - Jake - and think it's almost at the submit stage.
I just want to do one more read-through then I can click 'submit' and hope Evernight like it enough to publish it.
Book three - Ash, is also being written. I've got around 30k words done and hope to get it to between 50 and 60k.
My head is filled with plots for books 4 - 7 and who knows after that.
Do you like only half a dozen or so books in a series or would you prefer to read as many as an author can write as long as they have interesting characters? Drop me an email and let me know.