New WIP ...

In the middle of writing book 4 of the Hunter series I had this crazy dream for a new book in the Dark Desires series.

I couldn't ignore the idea so the next morning I wrote out the first few chapters. It seemed like this book was going to write itself during my sleep. Each morning I've been adding a few more chapters and now have 80k works written.
So what's it about?
This time the woman - Laura, 55, is in charge. She meets a handsome 57 year old businessman, Tobias Duncan, in - shall we say - interesting circumstances. Needless to say things start out different but eventually they get together.
She isn't a Domme but she does like to be in control during sex and for Tobias that is exactly the woman he'd been searching for all his life.
Probably have another 15-20k to write before I send it off to my beta reader - she has read the first half dozen chapters and loved it!

There are dreamy luxury houses, unforgettable holidays and unbelievably delicious sex with this sexy silver fox ;)
Haven't thought of a title yet - at the moment it's working title is Bull Elephant until something strikes my fancy. You'll have to wait for it to be published to find out why that seems approriate.
Stay tuned - hopefully it will be out around the middle of the year.
Oh - I certainly haven't forgotten my vampire hunter. His story should be out later in the year.